Test Prep

Sign up for a free baseline test with us and find out where you stand today

It’s not about what you know

it’s about how you perform under pressure. We will coach you up!

it’s about how you perform under pressure. We will coach you up!

Core Strategy Seminar

Core Strategy Seminar

Learn the fundamentals of good test-taking while building your confidence for test day. We offer two seminars focused on core test taking strategies: the English/Reading Seminar and the Math/Science Seminar. Each one runs for 5 weeks leading up to official test dates and each class is 90 minutes. You can pick the area you need to focus on or you can combine them for a comprehensive strategy course. You can continue your test prep by working with our tutors one-on-one.

Private Tutoring

Private Tutoring

You will have all our attention as we teach you the test and build your confidence. We learn your strengths and weaknesses and tailor what we teach to what you will need to succeed on test day. From targeted feedback based on practice test performances to morning-of-the-test encouragement, this is the best option for students who need serious improvement and strong scores.

Free, real tests

Free, real tests

Every student has the opportunity to take full length tests at our office on any Sunday morning. These are great opportunities to build your stamina, focus, and confidence. Your results will be available on your student profile page so you can track your progress.

Which option is best for you?

We recommend the Core Strategy Seminar course for first time test-takers who are low on confidence or who have baseline scores below a 23. This is a great way to get introduced to the test and begin the process of improving your score. You can follow up your strategy seminar with focused private test prep. 

Our private tutoring is going to deliver the best results over time. This is a great option for students who need serious improvement or serious scores. You can even use private tutoring to focus on areas of weakness while using the Strategy Seminar to master the basics of areas of strength.

Get in touch to discuss which option is best for you.

Get in touch to discuss which option is best for you.